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While our main mission at POBMI is to focus on reforming the physical design elements of mental hospitals, we recognize that the need for change extends beyond just the physical elements. We felt that our organization would be most powerful and effective if we focused on this one branch of the issue. This is why we are including this page to direct you to organizations that are working on other elements of this reform.

The Continuum of Care

A model for mental health reform by the Manhattan Institute. The Continuum of Care would be a system that prioritizes community-based recovery for severe mental illness. The system focuses on getting insurance covered care for severe cases of mental illness and making sure that outcomes from this program are able to be shared across other programs the patient attends.

The APA’s Comprehensive Reform

The American Psychological Association’s plan for reform aims to make access to mental health care more accessible by increasing the amount of providers in underserved areas. Additionally, it will provide training for psychiatrists, making them better at specified areas of care, such a substance abuse.

NAMI Philadelphia

This site has a similar mission to ours but focuses more on access to care than redesign of infrastructure. NAMI aims to increase the amount of mental health care that is available to people in Philadelphia, especially people who are experiencing homelessness.